A Trip to Cotehele Gallery and Pinch Punch First of the Month
So today opens my first blog post on my new website.
I have loved the idea of writing a diary and creating an online journal for a long time and so today I am starting my new blog “A day in the life of Melissa Ceramics”. My plan is to document each day (we shall see how I get on with that!)
Day One, the first of October 2016Â
Today has been busy with both work and house redecorating. We started the day with a quick trip to Waitrose for a treat breakfast (we all need a treat breaky now and then!) and then on to B&Q in Plymouth. We are in the process of redecorating the house and needed more paint etc. My hubby found the paint and his bits and bobs and I found some gorgeous pebble shaped candles which will look perfect in our house and will also work fabulously with my product photography! See picture below!
When home I started packing up some orders needed to send before the last post, we made the post with 10 minutes spare! When home and lunched I packed a box of work up for Cotehele Gallery and then we nipped down to deliver it!
Cotehele Gallery

My black and white scribble bowls

Fabulous handmade goodies at Cotehele Gallery

Some of my bowls and a white cat!
There was this gorgeous plant in flower outside Cotehele gallery building which reminds me of orchid flowers.
Do you know what it is? Let me know if you do!
Cotehele is one of my favorite places to go in the local area, it changes so much between each season and it is a great place for the kids to run around and explore.
The final job for today was for me to put on a glaze firing and for Garry (my husband) to mix me up some slip (the porcelain clay I make my bowls with).
This weeks slip is reclaimed – left over scraps of porcelain clay that has dried out completely and then has been soaked in water overnight before mixing up with our trusty mixer! The mixture is then sieved before being put away for use tomorrow!
I will leave you with a picture of Garry mixing up my slip and Amelia-Jayne (my youngest) supervising!

 Useful Links:
Click here for Cotehele Gallery National Trust website.
Click here for the pebble candles